Sunday, June 15, 2008

Project 3: Art Gallery, Shop and Apartment

The Drawings

In this building project, I'm trying to emphasize the idea of nature to be inside the art gallery. It is in response to the aboriginal art which is always related to the nature. Thus, i use two posible elements of nature inside the architecture. those are water and green environment.

The speciality of aboriginal art is that its varying from canvas painting to sculptures and rock paintings. Thus, the circulation of my art gallery is that from the first level where there is not a lot of natural light to the most opened area located at the end of the journey, that is the courtyard on level 3, where rock paintings are located standing with a tree.

the main feature of the gallery is the motif from pre casted concrete, water feature. moss on the wall and the courtyard. This building is designed to stand strong just as how aboriginal art has its strong characteristics.

Perspective Drawings of the exterior and interior scenes

Section Drawing - green colour stressing on the moss on
the wall looked at from the windows in different 3 levels

1 plan and sectional room showing the light quality with
artwork inside it

Site Plan - (Red: area for the building)

3 levels floor plan
Photos of Sectional Model

Material that i'm using for the exterior is pre casted concrete with motif shown in the model. It is meant to achieve the simplicity and textured architecture to suit the art work.

Concrete, glass and timber are used for the materials of the interior.

View from roof top - section model
windows on the roof top are based on the decision
of moving from the darker to the brighter space
(level 1 - level 3).

Model Section with moss and pole shown on the west part

water feature and the moss on the wall

View to the pole and moss on the huge 3 levels wall

Section 1

Section 2

Overall Model Section (pre casted concrete with motif is displayed)

Sketch Drawing

Transition from idea of seperating the gallery into one whole building is that to achieve optimal movement and use of space of the gallery. Furthermore, the idea of moving from enclosed space to the open door affect the decision. With this planning, the sense of moving through the gallery freely can be more successfully achieved.

Final Section and plan sketch

facade planning

Plan idea

sketch of another facade idea

another plan

Site location & plan

First idea of the facade

Design Concept & Draft Model

Conceptual Model

pre casted concrete facade with its motif

Two seperated parts of building with bridge
relating them.

Site model

Art Chosen

Aboriginal art is chosen to be displayed in my Gallery. The cosideration is that because Newtown is filled with many different cultures varying in different art shops, schools, restaurant, etc, thus it is strong on cultural imagery when people think about the area. I took this opportunity to promote Aboriginal art that is strong in cultural conceptual and is, furthermore, strong enough to become the iconic artwork in that area. Below is the kind of arts going to be displayed in my Galery.


Aboriginal Artist
Paddy Fordham Wainburranga is one of the most known Aboriginal artist in Australia. His art works are strong in its conceptual meaning and are modern. Thus, he is chosen to suite the galery which has concept to be strong in cultural background but is modern.

Aboriginal Statues and Sculptures

Site Study: Newtown - King Street

Newtown King Street is a place where art is oviously exposed. There are a lot of art shops with many different cultural backgrounds, such as Budhist accesories store, Indian, Mexican, Spanish, Lebanese, etc. Also, there a several art schools within this area. The main idea that i take from the site is that to build art gallery being the icon in that area.

As all knows, this street is peak especially during the peak hour and the weekend. Thus, I intend to build art gallery wich open till night. The are that I chose from my galery is 9.5 metres wide and 33 metres long. I chose the area that's very close to the bus stop, crossing light and is close to small block as the acess for car parking. This area is facing south west - more to west. Thus, its going to admit quiet a lot of sunlight during the afternoon, which is good as it can be the natural light inside the gallery.

Traffic enviroment

crossing light

Bus stop in front of my area

Small block as the acess for car park

My gallery site - the purple building

My site - the one without awning

Google earth site potrait

Project 2: Architectonic


"Strong fortress for new settlers facing thread"

The Drawings



Section showing the light

Site Plan

Photos of the model

Side Facing Sea - welcoming & openess

Side Facing the forest - Security & Safety
