Sunday, June 15, 2008

Site Study: Newtown - King Street

Newtown King Street is a place where art is oviously exposed. There are a lot of art shops with many different cultural backgrounds, such as Budhist accesories store, Indian, Mexican, Spanish, Lebanese, etc. Also, there a several art schools within this area. The main idea that i take from the site is that to build art gallery being the icon in that area.

As all knows, this street is peak especially during the peak hour and the weekend. Thus, I intend to build art gallery wich open till night. The are that I chose from my galery is 9.5 metres wide and 33 metres long. I chose the area that's very close to the bus stop, crossing light and is close to small block as the acess for car parking. This area is facing south west - more to west. Thus, its going to admit quiet a lot of sunlight during the afternoon, which is good as it can be the natural light inside the gallery.

Traffic enviroment

crossing light

Bus stop in front of my area

Small block as the acess for car park

My gallery site - the purple building

My site - the one without awning

Google earth site potrait

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